is established to promote the memoir, Mama’s Little Firecracker– Memoir and to address significant topics mentioned in the memoir. This site includes interviews with professionals who treat alcoholism, mental illness, single parenthood, raising grandchildren. Significant resources are posted on the links page.
Mama’s Little Firecracker– Memoir illustrates bi-polar, manic depression, and paranoid schizophrenia. Suicide is often the result of these disorders. Single parents may discover useful coping strategies. Grandparents raising grandchildren and operating in the social services system may also find some helpful links here.
Besides Mama’s Little Firecracker– Memoir, I want to share my artwork created over the years. It’s my nature to make things.
Standing At The Door is a second Memoir about classroom teaching. It describes daily interactions and effective methodology.
She Is Wonderful is a third person narrative showing how books can save a person’s life.
Pru Starr is a Nationally Credentialed English teacher, with an M.A. in Reading and Language Arts, B.A in Speech/Drama, and a B.A. in Art Studio, drawing and painting. She taught English, Drama and Art throughout the Northwest and California. Pru is also a published poet. She and her husband reside in the Central Sierra Mountains and grow lavender.