

pru_fatherMy dad was a radio star, but not for long. This is his publicity shot.

My parents on their wedding day in Virginia.
They moved to Japan a few months later and I was born there.

My wanderlust parents on their wedding day

synopsis_pru-as-babyAt six weeks old, this proves I was a happy baby.

parents landing in sfThe night my family arrived in San Francisco –  fresh off the freighter from Japan. .

synopsis_dad_bottleDaddy’s lifestyle started to catch up with him.

me_w_puppy_on_porchThis is the moment shortly before my first spiritual experience.

family-at-bacluthaI love this picture of me with my dad and brother at the Balclutha in SF.

synopsis_1958-ReedRanchBarn05This is where we used to run around.

my friendThis is a picture of my best friend when I was little.

1956 Halloween GangTrick or Treat was a blast for us in the neighborhood.

I’m waving from Pancho’s corral not too long before
he chased me around the neighborhood.

synopsis_pru_motherMy mom loved her job at the Novato Advance weekly newspaper.

synopsis_after-bulldozersHere I am after bulldozers destroyed most of the surrounding hills
around our subdivision, to make more subdivisions.

brian w kidsMy brother used to read to the neighborhood kids.

pru-in-treeI was 19. (photo by: Rick Tang)

pru_radio2I’m on KBDF’s morning drive radio talk show. (Eugene, OR)

