it comes down to communication
I’m trying to be kind, and it’s not easy. I don’t think I’m an egomaniac who always wants things to go her way, but my family members have seen me like that. They complain when I bring up stuff they don’t want to discuss, like what needs to be done, or when I mention problems they don’t want to solve. I really annoy them. My irritating habits of saying things they don’t want to hear seems a personal defect.
I’m trying to be kind. That starts by listening more closely to what people complain about, and not judging every behavior by what I expect. I’m working to keep my mouth shut when it’s not my business, but that’s almost impossible.
Since I consider myself a Christian, I try to strip down to the core, and practice tolerance. I love people. I act polite to strangers, don’t steal or try to get something for nothing. I practice the golden rule as my creed. I wish I really believed it. But I try and act like I believe it. Continue reading “I’m trying to be kind” »