
changes on Christmas Eve

December 25th, 2018

Mt.Tam watches our family

Christmas Eve 2018 has come and gone, same yearly event with differences, and it’s over very quickly. Continue reading “changes on Christmas Eve” »

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sound therapy

October 24th, 2017

everything vibrates

‘Sound healing’ is a practical type of therapy with information available to us online.  Years ago, I attended a workshop, and I believe it helped me heal some deeply painful emotions.  Continue reading “sound therapy” »

Recipe to raise negativity

August 22nd, 2017


we can artificially change negative to positive

Regardless of why self-esteem matters, millions of us suffer from feeling like dirt and feeling like we don’t count.  It seems as if we learn to perpetuate negativity.  Emmett Fox was a New Thought spiritual leader of the last century who started a church in New York City called Divine Science during the depression and he came up with a recipe to reduce negativity. Continue reading “Recipe to raise negativity” »

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love the apple

March 10th, 2015

USDA+apple+illoI stood in my kitchen this afternoon, cut up an apple to eat, and a couple of potatoes for the oven.  I accidentally picked up a piece of raw potato and took a bite, thinking it was an apple, but clearly it wasn’t.  An apple stands alone.

So what is it about an apple?  They are both alive.  One grows on a tree, another in the ground.  With a texture similar to a raw potato, white, filled with water, it ends there. Tart, sweet, and crisp, an apple is the essence of GOD.  After all, an apple a day keeps the doctor away.  A potato can not make that claim. Continue reading “love the apple” »

Blueberries for Carol, Sandy and Pru

July 29th, 2014

blueberriesYipee! My first blueberry picking invitation! Carol and Sandy invited me, and picked me up early in the next morning.  We drove up Lily Gap road ten miles to Mills You-Pick Blueberry Farm outside of West Point, California, acres of blueberries, with hundreds of bushes, all types and sizes.  Three dollars per pound for you-pick, about half the cost in a store these days.  The area is netted over the hundreds of bushes, so birds don’t win the picking game.  The sun wasn’t up yet, so it was still cool.

Sandy pulled her car up to a nearby little trailer used for headquarters, and I watched a skunk scurry out from the bushes, and run under the fence into the woods.  Mr.Mills came over on his all terrain vehicle to greet us and get us going.  One gallon milk jugs cut open at the top hung from a tree, for use as collecting buckets.  My friends had brought their own containers, but I only brought plastic bags, so I tried his milk jug method, very easy. Continue reading “Blueberries for Carol, Sandy and Pru” »
