I dreamt I was cleaning out two old houses where I once lived. In real life, I did not live in either of the two houses, but that’s how it goes in the dream world. The primary image of this dream is finding a wall with pushpins of special jewelry, a silver cross, a couple of turquoise pendant necklaces hanging down. I reach for the cross, under thick blobs of stingy cobwebs, and they get onto my face. “EWWW!” I woke with a gasp, feeling gross and icky.
Maybe I can interpret these images to help me understand my behavior.
I had the dream, start with that truth. The two houses were cluttered with my past. There is a need to clean up messes I left behind.
I reach into cobwebs to pick up a silver cross, because it matters more than the other jewelry left behind. There is a sense of time passing. I recognize the effort of spiders who build the webs. Time, history, effort, what’s worth catching, or keeping?
I can clean out cobwebs. I can take another look at what faith means.
I call myself an Episcopalian. I trust Jesus as a primary teacher, and I go to church. I say the Lord’s Prayer and mean it. I want to forgive those who trespass against me.
Faith seems more like a doorway I pass through, to get to forgiveness. I can clean up my past, simplify my life, and behave with Christian principles of love and tolerance. I trust my dreams to help me grow.
Like one of our wise guys said, “I am you and you are me and we are all together.” I think your dream, therefore your higher consciousness, is trying to tell you that in order to put your PAST in order, you must realize these things: that the cobwebs represent time passing with neglect, that the things of value were always, and still are there,that your squeamish resistance can be tolerated and powered through, and that you want others to forgive your trespasses as much as you want to forgive them for theirs. We can be so clever in punishing ourselves, making it near impossible to see the way back into the light. Keep trusting your dreams!
I, too, keep a dream journal. This is a good one. Love the way you show the reader how to interpret a dream in terms of various reality stimulus.